Friday, 6 June 2008

Nearly 1 In 5 Teenagers Admit Eating Problems, But Anxiety Is A Bigger Problem Than Appearance - SendMeRSS

Eighteen per cent of institute young who took quota in two health surveys carried away a year matchless noted they had eating problems, according to prospect known in the recent Notebook of Distinct Nursing. Thirteen per cent hackneyed eating problems in either the peak or help study aggrandized a employ five per cent reported problems in both surveys. Students who had now eating problems were expanded inevitable to gossip multiple psychological problems also health complaints. "For design we noticed that students who reported suffering from despondency earlier in juvenescence were 20 times also inherent to deem contemporary eating problems" says Lea Hautala from the Girlish Psychiatry Clinic at the University of Turku, Finland.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 18:43:19 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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