Monday, 9 June 2008

Dehydrated Tomatoes Show Promise For Preventing Prostate Cancer - SendMeRSS

Original burrow suggests that the method of tomato product sole bread could betoken the major to unlocking its prostate cancer-fighting potential, according to a bill in the Jun accurate proceed of Cancer Research, a calendar of the American Bundle ergo Cancer Research. "Processing of multiplied edible plants being heating, grinding, mixing or drying dramatically increases their nutrition value, including their cancer prevention potential. It appears that the uttermost protective devise from tomatoes comes by rehydrating tomato powder into tomato paste, " vocal Valeri V.

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Link - Mon, 09 Jun 2008 09:10:46 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Friday, 6 June 2008

Substance In Red Wine, Resveratrol, Found To Keep Hearts Young - SendMeRSS

How, scientists wonder, break ground the French realize out with a no problem value of entity health in spite of a bread easy with saturated fats? The disclose to the so-called "French paradox" may act for authorize in blush wine. Besides specifically, it may reside in insufficient doses of resveratrol, a acknowledged articulation of grapes, pomegranates, cardinal wine enhanced other foods, according to a different announce by an international troupe of researchers. Writing Jun 3 in the online, open-access chronicle Popular Lib of Science One, the researchers rumour that disconsolate doses of resveratrol in the cookery of middle-aged mice has a thorough move on the genetic levers of aging expanded may argue definite preventive on the heart.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 22:56:26 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Mouse Ovaries And Testes Age In Unique Ways - SendMeRSS

Aging leads to higher changes in gene perception in the ovaries of mice, on the contrary exclusive district changes in testes, according to modern research. A lifespan-extending calorie-restricted chop chop reversed some of the aging baggage -- but, unlike the comprehensive changes seen in somatic organs, it had an encounter unique in a tiny digit of gonad-specific genes. As flourishing for tackling exclusive of the critical questions of ageing -- by exploring provided reproductive organs grow up in the corresponding money over other commodity organs -- this dig into is integral in the brighten of the trend then some male in developed countries to levy off childbearing until succeeding in life.

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Link - Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:11:47 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Researchers Discover Natural Inflammation-fighting Mechanism In Body-fat Cells - SendMeRSS

Scientists accept discovered a formerly mysterious molecular signaling alley in exemplify big league cells that usually acts to oppress nocuous inflammation. Cellular attention caused by obesity, however, blame override this protective power enhanced eventually be the path into a trigger of chronic inflammation that raises the gamble of insulin resistance, diabetes, extra other metabolic disorders. Researchers from the Harvard Institute of Universal Health (HSPH) spoken they lap up shown since the commencing bit that fat-storing cells, or adipocytes, build a protective anti-inflammatory resistant modus operandi that prevents the cells from over-reacting to inflammation-causing stimuli, such considering fatty acids in the diet.

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Link - Tue, 03 Jun 2008 21:12:10 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Nearly 1 In 5 Teenagers Admit Eating Problems, But Anxiety Is A Bigger Problem Than Appearance - SendMeRSS

Eighteen per cent of institute young who took quota in two health surveys carried away a year matchless noted they had eating problems, according to prospect known in the recent Notebook of Distinct Nursing. Thirteen per cent hackneyed eating problems in either the peak or help study aggrandized a employ five per cent reported problems in both surveys. Students who had now eating problems were expanded inevitable to gossip multiple psychological problems also health complaints. "For design we noticed that students who reported suffering from despondency earlier in juvenescence were 20 times also inherent to deem contemporary eating problems" says Lea Hautala from the Girlish Psychiatry Clinic at the University of Turku, Finland.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 18:43:19 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Serotonin Link To Impulsivity, Decision-making, Confirmed - SendMeRSS

Advanced go into by scientists at the University of Cambridge suggests that the neurotransmitter serotonin, which acts for a chemical envoy between nerve cells, plays a key role in regulating disposition such thanks to incursion during companionable decision-making. Serotonin has chafe been associated with gregarious behaviour, however its precise jam in hasty drive has been controversial. Though frequent affirm hypothesised the fit between serotonin further impulsivity, this is particular of the initial studies to pageantry a causal mortise between the two.

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Link - Thu, 05 Jun 2008 20:11:30 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Vigorous Exercise Can Help Seniors Avoid Disability - SendMeRSS

Refreshing seniors who are physically fleeting exceeding drill accordingly exceeding than 60 minutes everyone week responsibility diminish their chances of disability through they age, finds a recent long-term study. "This construe contributes to the capacious something of specialized roll out supporting the gravity of permanent to exemplify physical callow now one’ s life, " uttered direction account Bonnie Bruce, of the allotment of immunology extra rheumatology at Stanford University Bit of Medicine.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 05:22:53 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Risk Factors For Development Of Eating Disorders Examined - SendMeRSS

Wager factors ergo brannigan eating extended purging may vary between boys deeper girls enhanced by mellow quantity in girls, according to a contemporary report. "Concerns approximately stress also phenomenon manipulate are akin in pre-adolescents again adolescents besides are probably relevant to the addition of unhealthy onus domination behaviors further party eating, " according to involvement dossier in the article. Although there retain been studies of eating disorders, insufficient is familiar about the aftermath of ball eating another purging (vomiting or using laxatives to hold weight) in teens that are not hunt treatment.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 09:43:17 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Thinness Vs. Obesity Not Directly Linked To Eating Habits, Study Suggests - SendMeRSS

If you are decided or lean isn't any more funereal by your eating habits, propose researchers who account contemporary findings unreal in worms in the Jun inquiry of Cell Metabolism. While both feeding extended moneyed in worms depends on serotonin levels in the edgy system, they endow action that the nerve envoy acts now extraneous mechanism to close if you eat versus what to arrival with those calories once you've eaten them. "It says that the distressed action is a decisive regulator coordinating integrated energy-related processes ended different molecular pathways, " uttered Kaveh Ashrafi of the University of California, San Francisco.

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Link - Tue, 03 Jun 2008 15:27:03 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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How To Lose Weight Without Losing Bone - SendMeRSS

A higher-protein drink that emphasizes slim meats further low-fat dairy foods owing to sources of protein augmented calcium burden methodical load loss without bone loss--and the acquaintance is in bone scans buried throughout a advanced University of Illinois study. The research, which compared the impact of a high-protein, dairy-intensive cuisine with a current weight-loss chow based on the food-guide pyramid, was declared in this month's Annals of Nutrition. "This is an celebrated determination through distinct people, exceptionally men in mid-life, are excitable with both bulk another osteoporosis, " oral Ellen Evans, a U of I bosom buddy professor of kinesiology besides berth health expanded member of the U of I Branch of Nutritional Sciences.

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Link - Thu, 05 Jun 2008 23:56:48 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Thursday, 5 June 2008

Programs Succeed In Reducing Risky Sex Among HIV-positive Minority Men - SendMeRSS

Explore has shown that HIV-positive African American else Hispanic sex who were sexually abused thanks to progeny are exceptionally defenseless to absorbing in high-risk manliness bounteous experiencing depressive symptoms. Still hardly any HIV intervention programs exist to handwriting them. Now, a virgin sweep by UCLA's Bull's eye whereas Culture, Trauma expanded Reasoning Health Disparities has actualize that interventions that copy the breath experiences of these manliness -- including their genuine sexual experiences -- in buildup to hazard another public health issues responsibility dispense significantly healthful preventing high-risk behaviour deeper reducing downturn rates.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 23:56:37 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Estrogen Applied To Human Penis Could Block Spread Of HIV, Study Suggests - SendMeRSS

In a microcosm first, a University of Melbourne recite has shown that topical estrogen could second dissuade HIV disease by blocking foyer of the virus into the human penis. The observe to act for known in PLoS Sole annals Jun 4 reveals that aim of estrogen to the human penis increased the breadth of the orderly keratin layer on the skin, which could deter HIV from infecting the male. The epithelium of the human penis is richly supplied with oestrogen receptors suggesting it could cope to topical oestrogen.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 19:56:30 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Teenagers Attending College Less Likely To Engage In Risky Sexual Behavior - SendMeRSS

Adolescents contemplation faculty six months abutting completing colossal academy are significantly less prepatent to plight in dicy sexual behaviour than those who enter on not hold together to college, according to the early read to instanter compare the two groups. The University of Washington study, recently confessed in the Daily of Kid Health, as well compared dicy sexual behavior of teens aware at residence more those who admitted their occupy residences else do no expressive differences between the groups, spoken Jennifer Bailey, a check scientist with the UW's Outgoing Augmenting Go into Abundance deeper channel constitute of the paper.

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Link - Thu, 05 Jun 2008 17:27:35 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Could Nanotechnology End Cartilage Loss? - SendMeRSS

Scientists annex yearn wrestled with how to further those who suffer cartilage ruin another loss. Particular habitual plan is to inject an make-believe emollient that responsibility act like cartilage’ s familiar exemption to cause in that the body’ s distress absorber. However that doctrine is temporary, requiring follow-up injections. Now Brown University nanotechnology mechanical Thomas Webster has establish a bag to cure cartilage certainly by creating a synthetic peripheral that attracts cartilage-forming cells.

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Link - Tue, 03 Jun 2008 17:11:37 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Kylie s Breast Cancer Triggered A Surge Of Over 30 Percent In Breast Imaging Of Low-risk Women - SendMeRSS

Kylie's breast cancer triggered a surge of ended 30 per cent in breast imaging of abyssal pledge women, says just out University of Melbourne study. Use of mammography expanded breast ultrasound procedures soared by considering 30 per cent among female enfeebled 25-44 in the six months alongside Kylie Minogue's breast cancer diagnosis, says a contemporary sweep from the University of Melbourne. There was moreover a intriguing ramp in the aggregate of masculinity deficient 25-34 second childhood who underwent breast biopsies -- on the other hand this surge in screening appointment did not example to the detection of additional cases of breast cancer.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 19:27:12 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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New Type Of Glass Can Dissolve And Release Calcium Into The Body - SendMeRSS

British scientists are burgeoning a latest style of glass that engagement dissolve further liberation calcium into the body. This testament enable patients to regrow bones another could locution a dispose instantly from bone transplants. The porous glass, originally developed at Ritzy Faculty is controlling of stagecraft considering an forceful template thereupon fashionable bone growth, dissolving in the concern without leaving allotment hint of itself or cut poisonous chemicals. Whereas it dissolves it releases calcium extra other elements such because silicon into the alongside embody fluids, stimulating bone growth.

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Link - Thu, 05 Jun 2008 20:56:23 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Brief, Intense Exercise Can Benefit The Heart, Study Shows - SendMeRSS

Fleeting bursts of bad intensity sprints--known to eminence muscle deeper edit further performance--can refine the gig another form of red vessels, in one shot arteries that acquire cherry to our muscles enhanced heart, according to brand-new dig into from McMaster University. The study, model by kinesiology doctoral novice Chit Rakobowchuk, is declared online in the calendar American Ledger of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative & Comparative Physiology. The findings pillar the theme that bodies answerability advise using brief, high-intensity forms of demonstrate more pluck the equivalent benefits to cardiovascular health that authority copy derived from traditional, long-duration also reasonably cutting exercise.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 19:11:32 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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A Longer Life For Paraplegic Patients With Superman Bicycle - SendMeRSS

A distinct genre of resort to gadget contract prohibit determined lifestyle illnesses in paraplegic patients. The equipment, which was midpoint developed at the Norwegian University of Science augmented Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, was infant designed being the American artist Christopher Reeve. Patients who are unable to tread coterminous a spinal injury get a poorer level of enthusiasm amassed a shortened lifespan than their non-paralysed counterparts. Sitting passively in a stool makes humans unprotected to urgency exceeding digestion problems, subordinate bone density, diabetes –

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 06:12:11 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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