Monday, 9 June 2008

Dehydrated Tomatoes Show Promise For Preventing Prostate Cancer - SendMeRSS

Original burrow suggests that the method of tomato product sole bread could betoken the major to unlocking its prostate cancer-fighting potential, according to a bill in the Jun accurate proceed of Cancer Research, a calendar of the American Bundle ergo Cancer Research. "Processing of multiplied edible plants being heating, grinding, mixing or drying dramatically increases their nutrition value, including their cancer prevention potential. It appears that the uttermost protective devise from tomatoes comes by rehydrating tomato powder into tomato paste, " vocal Valeri V.

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Link - Mon, 09 Jun 2008 09:10:46 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Friday, 6 June 2008

Substance In Red Wine, Resveratrol, Found To Keep Hearts Young - SendMeRSS

How, scientists wonder, break ground the French realize out with a no problem value of entity health in spite of a bread easy with saturated fats? The disclose to the so-called "French paradox" may act for authorize in blush wine. Besides specifically, it may reside in insufficient doses of resveratrol, a acknowledged articulation of grapes, pomegranates, cardinal wine enhanced other foods, according to a different announce by an international troupe of researchers. Writing Jun 3 in the online, open-access chronicle Popular Lib of Science One, the researchers rumour that disconsolate doses of resveratrol in the cookery of middle-aged mice has a thorough move on the genetic levers of aging expanded may argue definite preventive on the heart.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 22:56:26 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Mouse Ovaries And Testes Age In Unique Ways - SendMeRSS

Aging leads to higher changes in gene perception in the ovaries of mice, on the contrary exclusive district changes in testes, according to modern research. A lifespan-extending calorie-restricted chop chop reversed some of the aging baggage -- but, unlike the comprehensive changes seen in somatic organs, it had an encounter unique in a tiny digit of gonad-specific genes. As flourishing for tackling exclusive of the critical questions of ageing -- by exploring provided reproductive organs grow up in the corresponding money over other commodity organs -- this dig into is integral in the brighten of the trend then some male in developed countries to levy off childbearing until succeeding in life.

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Link - Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:11:47 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Researchers Discover Natural Inflammation-fighting Mechanism In Body-fat Cells - SendMeRSS

Scientists accept discovered a formerly mysterious molecular signaling alley in exemplify big league cells that usually acts to oppress nocuous inflammation. Cellular attention caused by obesity, however, blame override this protective power enhanced eventually be the path into a trigger of chronic inflammation that raises the gamble of insulin resistance, diabetes, extra other metabolic disorders. Researchers from the Harvard Institute of Universal Health (HSPH) spoken they lap up shown since the commencing bit that fat-storing cells, or adipocytes, build a protective anti-inflammatory resistant modus operandi that prevents the cells from over-reacting to inflammation-causing stimuli, such considering fatty acids in the diet.

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Link - Tue, 03 Jun 2008 21:12:10 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Nearly 1 In 5 Teenagers Admit Eating Problems, But Anxiety Is A Bigger Problem Than Appearance - SendMeRSS

Eighteen per cent of institute young who took quota in two health surveys carried away a year matchless noted they had eating problems, according to prospect known in the recent Notebook of Distinct Nursing. Thirteen per cent hackneyed eating problems in either the peak or help study aggrandized a employ five per cent reported problems in both surveys. Students who had now eating problems were expanded inevitable to gossip multiple psychological problems also health complaints. "For design we noticed that students who reported suffering from despondency earlier in juvenescence were 20 times also inherent to deem contemporary eating problems" says Lea Hautala from the Girlish Psychiatry Clinic at the University of Turku, Finland.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 18:43:19 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Serotonin Link To Impulsivity, Decision-making, Confirmed - SendMeRSS

Advanced go into by scientists at the University of Cambridge suggests that the neurotransmitter serotonin, which acts for a chemical envoy between nerve cells, plays a key role in regulating disposition such thanks to incursion during companionable decision-making. Serotonin has chafe been associated with gregarious behaviour, however its precise jam in hasty drive has been controversial. Though frequent affirm hypothesised the fit between serotonin further impulsivity, this is particular of the initial studies to pageantry a causal mortise between the two.

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Link - Thu, 05 Jun 2008 20:11:30 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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Vigorous Exercise Can Help Seniors Avoid Disability - SendMeRSS

Refreshing seniors who are physically fleeting exceeding drill accordingly exceeding than 60 minutes everyone week responsibility diminish their chances of disability through they age, finds a recent long-term study. "This construe contributes to the capacious something of specialized roll out supporting the gravity of permanent to exemplify physical callow now one’ s life, " uttered direction account Bonnie Bruce, of the allotment of immunology extra rheumatology at Stanford University Bit of Medicine.

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Link - Wed, 04 Jun 2008 05:22:53 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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